Uploading Documents
MapStand Hub allows you to share reports, conceptual notes, posters, spreadsheets, etc. A wide range of documents files can be hosted on the platform, including text files (.doc, .docx, .txt, .odt), spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx, .ods), presentations (.ppt, .pptx, .odp), images (.gif, .jpg, .png, .tif, .tiff), PDF, zip files (.rar, .zip, .gz), SLD, XML or QML files.
Only authenticated users can upload data into MapStand Hub.
Document uploading is done by clicking on the Add Resource button which displays a list including Upload document link:
The Upload Document page looks like the one shown in the picture below.
To upload a document:
Click on Select files ....
and select files from your disk or enter a URL address if the document is stored on the internet.
- Click the black Upload button
At the end of the uploading process you view the files uploaded by selecting the View button. There you can edit metadata, share, download and delete the document. .
Note: If you get the following error message:
Total upload size exceeds 100.0 MB. Please try again with smaller files.
This means that there is an upload size limit of 100 MB. If necessary - please contact support@mapstand.com to request a change to the upload limits.