Uploading Datasets

How to upload a dataset.

The most important resource type in MapSTand Hub is the Dataset. A dataset represents spatial information so it can be displayed on a map.
To better understand what we are talking about lets upload your first dataset.

The Upload a dataset page can be reached from the Upload dataset link of the Add Resource menu above the resources list page.

Link for Uploading a dataset

The Upload a dataset page looks like the one in the picture below.

The Upload a dataset page

Click on Select Files ...to select files from your disk. Make sure they are valid raster or vector spatial data. You can also change the default Share options settings (see Share Options for further information on how to set share options).
Click on the Upload button to start the process or click Clear to remove all the loaded files form the page.

In this example an ESRI Shapefile, with all its mandatory files (.shp, .shx, .dbf and .prj), has been chosen. A progress bar shows the operation made during the dataset upload and alerts you when the process is over.

Next, click on the Complete the upload button.  If date/time fields are detected, the following will appear. If you don't wish to configure the dataset as a time-series, ignore and select Next.

When the process ends the dataset will be displayed....

Dataset uploading finished

Note: If you get the following error message:

Total upload size exceeds 100.0 MB. Please try again with smaller files.

This means that there is an upload size limit of 100 MB. Please contact support@mapstand.com to request the upload limit is increased.

Similarly, for the following error message:

The number of active parallel uploads exceeds 5. Wait for the pending ones to finish.

Please contact support@mapstand.com to request the upload parallelism limits are changed.