Maps Metadata can be Edited by clicking the Edit Metadata link from the Map detail page menu.
The Map Metadata Detail link
The Map Metadata Edit form will open.
Metadata provide essential information for the identification and the comprehension of the map. They also make the map more easily retrievable through the search tools.
Those Metadata can be filled out through three-steps in which you have to provide all mandatory information to complete the process. Those three steps are described below.
Basic Metadata
In the first step the system asks you to insert the following metadata (required fields are highlighted with red outlines):
- The Thumbnail of the map (click Edit to change it);
- The Title of the map, which should be clear and understandable;
- An Abstract; brief narrative summary of the content of the Map
The Abstract panel allows you to insert HTML code through a wysiwyg text editor
- The Creation/Publication/Revision Dates which define the time period that is covered by the map;
- The Keywords, which should be chosen within the available list;
- The Category which the map belongs to;
- The Group which the map is linked to.
Location and Licenses

The following list shows what kinds of metadata you are required to enter (see also the picture below):
The Language of the layer;
The License of the dataset;
- Attribution
The Regions covered by the layers extent. Proposed extents cover the following scales: global, continental, regional, national;
The Data Quality statement (general explanation of the data producer’s knowledge about the lineage of a dataset);
Potential Restrictions on layer sharing.
No further mandatory metadata are required in the next step so, once the required fields have been filled out, a green Done button will be visible in the screen. Click Next >> to go to the next step or << Back to go back to the previous step.
Optional Metadata

Complementary information are:
- The Edition of the map;
- The Purpose of the map and its objectives;
- Any Supplemental information that can provide a better understanding of the map;
- The Maintenance frequency of the map;
- The Spatial representation type, the method used to represent geographic information in the dataset;
- The users who are Responsible for the layer, its Owner, and the Author of its metadata;

Metadata Advanced Editing
The Advanced Metadata editing button in the Metadata Edit form allows to change the map metadata.
Click on it to display the Metadata Advanced Editing Page. That page allows you to edit all the map metadata described in the previous paragraph.
Once you have finished to edit them click on Update to save your changes.