June 2021 Release

June 2021 Release - new features and bug fixes

New Features:

  • MapStand Related Features section has been added to the bottom of the latest news articles.  MapStand Related Features are added by the MapStand data team and are additional geo-referenced tags of features that are not mentioned in the article but that are related to the article topic;


  • Basic Authentication has been configured for the platform - MapStand Community. Users that are registered on the platform and have upgraded their account can now load the MapStand database in QGIS using Basic Authentication;
  • The following tasks are related to upgrading the platform app to migration 17
  • Add new fields to some of the core layers that are visible on the platform - MapStand Community;
  • Add Spatial Attributes to some of the core layers:

mps_est_shore_status: it is a data-driven attribute that returns if it overlaps the Administrative Area dataset

mps_est_elevation_m: it is a data-driven attribute of the shallowest water depth from our selected DEM. To calculate these attributes we used GEBCO 2020 (gebco_2020_n0.0_s-90.0_w0.0_e90.0.tif).

mps_est_elevation_end_m: it is a data-driven attribute of the EOL water depth from our selected DEM.To calculate these attributes we used GEBCO 2020 (gebco_2020_n0.0_s-90.0_w0.0_e90.0.tif).

mps_est_elevation_max_m: it is a data-driven attribute of the deepest water depth from our selected DEM.To calculate these attributes we used GEBCO 2020 (gebco_2020_n0.0_s-90.0_w0.0_e90.0.tif).

mps_est_elevation_min_m: it is a data-driven attribute of the shallowest water depth from our selected DEM.To calculate these attributes we used GEBCO 2020 (gebco_2020_n0.0_s-90.0_w0.0_e90.0.tif).

mps_est_elevation_start_m: it is a data-driven attribute of the SOL water depth from our selected DEM.To calculate these attributes we used GEBCO 2020 (gebco_2020_n0.0_s-90.0_w0.0_e90.0.tif).

mps_est_length_km: it is a data-driven attribute of the line length in kilometres

mps_est_area_sqkm: it is a data-driven attribute of the area in square kilometers using the WGS spheroid.

mps_est_coast_distance_km: it is a data-driven attribute of the distance to coast using the WGS spheroid.



Bug Fixes:

  • Boreholes and Planned Boreholes are now pointing to Rigs, before were pointing erroneously to Vessels;
  • Newsfeed gets stuck once it encounters an error;