How do I add my contact details so other community members can get in touch?

Adding contact details to your profile

If you've had a look at the new Community panel  in the latest release, you may have noticed that some community members profiles have contact icons displayed under their name .   These allow community members to contact each other.



To allow other members of the MapStand community to contact you, consider adding your email address, links to your website, LinkedIn and Twitter details to your MapStand community profile. To do this, open the Profile Panel image-png-Dec-16-2022-03-57-38-9621-PM and click on the image-png-Dec-16-2022-04-01-12-8244-PM (Edit profile) button.

Update your profile information by adding an email address, website, Twitter and Linkedin URLs.  Don't forget to click Save when finished.

Once this information is populated, your profile, in the Community panel , will display an icon for each


These icons can be used, by other community members, to contact you.